Amendments to Option Disclosure Documents Delivery Requirements in Rule 2860
Option Disclosure Documents
Legal and Compliance
Options Institutional Senior Management Trading |
Disclosure Documents Delivery Characteristics and Risks of Standardized Options Special Statement for Uncovered Option Writers Options Rule 2860 |
Executive Summary
On August 17, 2006, NASD filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) for immediate effectiveness a rule change to Rule 2860 (Options) to (1) require that a copy of each amendment to the options disclosure document, Characteristics and Risks of Standardized Options, be distributed to each customer not later than the time of the delivery of a confirmation of a transaction in the category of options issued by The Options Clearing Corporation (OCC) to which the amendment pertains, and (2) clarify that revisions to the Special Statement for Uncovered Option Writers be distributed to each customer approved for writing uncovered short options not later than the time of the delivery of a confirmation of a transaction in options issued by the OCC.1 Rule 2860, as amended, is set forth in Attachment A of this Notice. The amendments will be implemented on October 26, 2006.
Questions/Further Information
Questions regarding this Notice may be directed to Gary Goldsholle, Vice President and Associate General Counsel, Office of General Counsel (OGC), Regulatory Policy and Oversight (RPO), at (202) 728-8104; or Kathryn M. Moore, Assistant General Counsel, OGC, RPO, at (202) 974-2974.
Background and Discussion
NASD has amended the requirement to deliver amendments and/or revisions to the options disclosure documents in Rule 2860 to conform to similar rules of other selfregulatory organizations.2 Specifically, NASD has amended the rule to more clearly delineate the particular delivery requirements applicable to the Characteristics and Risks of Standardized Options (commonly known as the ODD) and the Special Statement for Uncovered Option Writers (the Special Written Statement).
Rule 2860(b)(11)(A) previously required that amendments and revisions to both disclosure documents be distributed to each customer not later than the time a confirmation of a transaction is delivered to each customer who enters into a transaction in options issued by the OCC. As amended, the delivery of an amendment to the ODD is triggered by a customer transaction in an options contract to which such amendment pertains. The rule change harmonizes NASD's rule for amendments to the ODD with the corresponding rules of the Options Exchanges.
In addition, through a new subparagraph (2), NASD clarified that revisions to the Special Written Statement must be distributed to each customer having an account approved for writing uncovered short options not later than the time a confirmation of a transaction is delivered to each customer who enters into a transaction in options issued by the OCC.
The amendments to Rule 2860 will be implemented on October 26, 2006.
1 See Exchange Act Release No. 54463 (September 15, 2006), 71 FR 55814 (September 25, 2006) (Notice of Filing and Immediate Effectiveness of File No. SR-NASD-2006-100). Under Section 19(b) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (Act), the SEC has the authority to summarily abrogate this type of rule change within 60 days of filing.
2 See Rule 9.15 of the CBOE; Rule 616 of the ISE; Rule 1029 of the PHLX; Rule 926 of the AMEX; Rule 726 of the NYSE; and Chapter XI, Section 17 of the BOX (collectively referred to as the Options Exchanges).
New language is underlined; deletions are in brackets.
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2860. Options