NASD Reduces Certain TRACE Fees for the 4th Quarter of 2002
The fee changes are effective as of October 1, 2002
Compliance |
Executive Summary
On November 15, 2002, NASD submitted a rule filing (SR-NASD-2002-167) to the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) for immediate effectiveness to amend Rule 7010(k), reducing the Web Browser Access Fee, Cancel or Correct Fee, and "As of" Trade Late Fee for the TRACE system during the 4th quarter of 2002. The fee changes are effective as of October 1, 2002.1
Questions/Further Information
Questions concerning this Notice may be directed to Kosha K. Dalal, Assistant General Counsel, Office of General Counsel, NASD Regulatory Policy and Oversight, at (202) 728-6903; or Justin Tubiolo, Vice President, Regulatory Services and Operations, at (212) 858-4419.
On July 1, 2002, the Trade Reporting and Compliance Engine (TRACE) became effective. On June 28, 2002, the Commission approved proposed NASD fees relating to the operation of the TRACE system (Rule 7010(k)) on a pilot basis for a six-month period expiring on December 28, 2002.2 As part of that rule filing (Amendment No. 3 to SR-NASD-2002-63), NASD committed to review and reassess the proposed TRACE fees as soon as practicable and within six months after the effective date of TRACE, based on such factors as actual volume, usage, costs, and revenues.
Based on an initial review of the TRACE fees, and input from member firms, on November 15, 2002, NASD submitted to the SEC for immediate effectiveness a rule change to reduce certain TRACE fees for the 4th quarter of 2002. The SEC published the rule filing in the Federal Register on December 3, 2002. The fee reductions are effective as of October 1, 2002.
The adjustments to the TRACE fee structure are:
Web Browser Access Fee. The current Web Browser Access Fee is $85 per month for the first user ID; $75 per month for the second through ninth user ID; and $70 per month for the second through ten or more user ID, if the member registers for ten or more user IDs. For the period commencing October 1, 2002 and ending December 31, 2002, for those firms that report less than 25 transactions per month, the Web Browser Access Fee has been reduced to $25 per month, per user ID.
Cancel or Correct Fee. The current Cancel or Correct Fee is $3.00 for each canceled or corrected transaction reported. For the month of October 2002, the Cancel or Correct Fee has been reduced to $1.50 for each canceled or corrected transaction reported. For the month of November 2002, the Cancel or Correct Fee has been reduced to $2.25 for each canceled or corrected transaction reported. For the month of December 2002, the Cancel or Correct Fee will return to $3.00 for each cancelled or corrected transaction reported.
"As of" Trade Late Fee. The current "As of" Trade Late Fee is $3.00 for each trade that is not timely reported. For the month of October 2002, the "As of" Trade Late Fee has been reduced to $1.50 for each such transaction reported. For the month of November 2002, the "As of" Trade Late Fee has been reduced to $2.25 for each such transaction reported.
NASD believes that these fee adjustments will alleviate some of the immediate burden on small firms resulting from TRACE reporting requirements and grant all firms additional time to adjust to the Cancel or Correct Fee and the "As of" Trade Late Fee.
NASD is in the process of reviewing the entire TRACE fee structure and expects to submit additional proposed amendments to TRACE fees to the SEC prior to the December 28, 2002 expiration of the pilot program. Future fee adjustments will be announced in Notices to Members.
1 See SR-NASD-2002-167 (November 15, 2002), Exchange Act Release No. 46893, 67 FR 232 (December 3, 2002).
2 The Commission approved Rule 7010(k) relating to TRACE fees on June 28, 2002 on a six-month pilot basis. See SEC Approval Order File No. SR-NASD-2002-63, Securities Exchange Act Release No. 46145.
Attachment A
New text is underlined. Deletions are in brackets.
Proposed New Text of Rule 7010(k) - Trade Reporting and Compliance Engine (TRACE)
Rule 7010(k) Trade Reporting and Compliance Engine (TRACE)
System Fees | Transaction Reporting Fees | Market Data Fees |
Web Browser Access: $85/month for 1 user ID; $75/month for 2-9 user IDs; $70/month for 2-10+ user IDs If less than 25 trades per month, in October, November, or December 2002 - $25/month per user ID |
Trades up to and including $200,000 par value - $0.50/trade; Trades between $201,000 and $999,999 par value - $0.0025 times the number of bonds traded/trade; Trades of $1,000,000 par value or more - $2.50/trade |
BTDS Professional Display - $60/month per terminal |
CTCI - $25/month/line |
Cancel/Correct - $3/trade For October 2002 - $1.50/trade For November 2002 - $2.25/trade |
BTDS Internal Usage Authorization - $500/month per organization |
Third Party - $25/month |
"As of" Trade Late - $3/trade For October 2002 - $1.50/trade For November 2002 - $2.25/trade |
BTDS External Usage Authorization - $1,000/month per organization |
PDN Administrative - $100/month/line | Browse & Query - $0.05 after first page | BTDS Non-Professional Display - $1/month per terminal |
Daily List Fax - $15/month per fax number/addressee |
1 Charges that may be imposed by third parties, such as network providers, are not included in these fees.