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FINRA Alerts Member Firms of the New York Stock Exchange’s Adoption of FINRA’s RSL Classification

October 25, 2024

FINRA alerts member firms that the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) has filed a rule change for immediate effectiveness to harmonize NYSE Rule 3110 (Supervision) with FINRA Rule 3110 (Supervision) to permit eligible NYSE member organizations to participate in FINRA’s Remote Inspections Pilot Program and to adopt FINRA’s Residential Supervisory Location (RSL) classification. See Securities Exchange Act Release No. 101325 (October 15, 2024), 89 FR 84221 (October 21, 2024) (Notice of Filing and Immediate Effectiveness of File No. SR-NYSE-2024-64). 

FINRA has implemented Form BR (Uniform Branch Office Registration Form) functionality enhancements that allow firms to retain the pre-selection or de-select a location’s “notice filing” with the NYSE. FINRA will update the Frequently Asked Questions about Residential Supervisory Locations (RSLs) to incorporate the new NYSE rule in the near future.