Frequently Asked Questions Related to Back-to-back Scheduling
Back-to-back scheduling is a feature that allows the scheduling of two appointments for the same day and same test center in one transaction. The following are frequently asked questions related to back-to-back scheduling.
Implementation: Thursday, November 1, 2018
IMPORTANT: If you are scheduling with approved FINRA accommodations please contact Prometric’s Testing Accommodations Team toll-free at (800) 967-1139 to schedule your back-to-back appointments.
- 1. Can back-to-back scheduling be utilized through bulk registration?
- Yes. If your firm wants to schedule back-to-back appointments for your candidates, please contact Prometric’s bulk registration team at
- 2. Can I use back-to-back scheduling if I want to take my exams on different days?
- No. If you want to schedule exams on different days, you must select each exam individually and complete individual appointment transactions.
- 3. How will I know which exams I am eligible to schedule back-to-back?
- After you enter your FINRA ID and name, Prometric’s scheduling system will display all the exams for which you are currently eligible to schedule an appointment.
- 4. Will the back-to-back scheduling system know how much time is needed to complete each exam I selected?
- The back-to-back scheduling system will search for the full combined appointment time of all the exams selected. The appointment times will follow one another. For example, if you schedule the Securities Industry Essentials® (SIE®) Exam and the Series 7 exam as back-to-back appointments, the SIE exam appointment might run from 8:00 a.m. to 10:15 a.m. (2 hours and 15 minutes) and the Series 7 exam from 10:15 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. (4 hours and 15 minutes).
- 5. Will I have to complete the check-in process on the day of my scheduled appointments for each exam?
- Yes. On the day of your scheduled exams, you must check in and check out for each exam. Please note that back-to-back scheduling does not allow for a break between exam appointments.
- 6: Will I receive a confirmation email for each appointment?
- Yes. You will receive separate confirmation emails for each appointment scheduled.
- 7. Can I reschedule and/or cancel appointments individually or together?
- Each appointment can be rescheduled and/or cancelled individually or together. Please note that if you want to reschedule one of the appointments, but not all appointments, confirm the time of the appointment you are rescheduling to ensure that it does not overlap with your existing appointment times.
- 8: Can I choose which exam I would like to take first?
- No. The back-to-back scheduling system will not allow you the ability to determine the order in which your appointments are scheduled. Please note that, if included, the SIE exam will appear as the first appointment and then your second exam appointment will follow.
- 9: Once I arrive at the testing center, must I take all of the exams that I scheduled for that day?
- Yes. If you schedule multiple appointments on the same day, you are responsible for taking the exams. If for any reason you decide not to take all of the exams, you will be assessed a fee equal to the fee of each exam you decide not to take. FINRA will charge this fee to your firm or, if you registered using the Test Enrollment Services System (TESS)™, you will forfeit the prepaid fee for each exam. You then must open a new enrollment window — and pay the associated exam fee — before scheduling a new appointment.
If you have additional questions, please contact Prometric’s Contact Center toll-free at (800) 578-6273, Monday through Friday 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET and Saturday through Sunday 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. ET, excluding federal holidays.