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Notice To Members 83-2

TO: All NASD Members and Interested Persons


The passage of the Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act of 1982 ("TEFRA" or the "Act") has brought about changes in the tax law which will have an impact on the subject matter of the qualification examinations administered by the NASD. The chart at the end of this notice lists the areas affected by the Act and identifies by study outline section the examinations affected by the new tax laws. In addition, a brief explanation of these changes is included below.

Notice To Members 83-3

TO: All NASD Members

The Securities and Exchange Commission has adopted a number of amendments to Rule 17f-2 concerning the fingerprinting of securities industry personnel. These revisions are intended to simplify the process of claiming exemptions by clarifying existing provisions of the rule and by incorporating in the rule other exemptions previously granted by the Commission on a case-by-case basis.

Notice To Members 83-4

TO: All NASD Members and NASDAQ Level 2 and 3 Subscribers

On February 8, 1983, 100 additional NASDAQ securities will enter the NASDAQ National Market System (NMS). As a result, real-time trade reporting will be required in these securities commencing on that date.

Notice To Members 83-5

TO: All NASD Members and Municipal Securities Bank Dealers

ATTN: All Operations Personnel

Securities markets and the NASDAQ System will be closed on Monday, February 21, 1983, in observance of Washington's Birthday. "Regular-Way" transactions made on the business days preceding that day will be settled according to the following schedule.

Trade Date-Settlement Date Schedule For "Regular-Way" Transactions

Trade Date

Notice To Members 83-6

TO: All NASD Members

Enclosed herewith are proposed amendments to the Association's Uniform Practice Code ("Code") which were approved by the Board of Governors at its November 19, 1982, meeting. The amendments are being submitted to the membership for comment. After the comment period has expired, the Board of Governors will again review the proposal taking into consideration the comments received, and will thereafter submit the proposals as may be amended in response to the comments received, to the Securities and Exchange Commission for approval.

Notice To Members 83-7


TO: All NASD Members


The Securities and Exchange Commission has published for comment a proposed rule addressing the issue of exchange and over-the-counter market makers internalizing customer orders in Rule 19c-3 securities and whether inter market exposure of customer orders should be required. Internalization has been defined by the Commission as a dealer executing customer transactions as principal or crossing agency transactions in-house without exposing those orders to buying and selling interest in other markets.

Notice To Members 83-9

TO: All NASD Members

ATTN: Operations Officer, Cashier, Fail-Control Department

On Thursday, February 10, 1983, the United States District Court for the Northern District of Ohio, Western Division, appointed a SIPC Trustee for the above-captioned firm. Previously, a temporary receiver had been appointed for the firm on February 5, 1983.