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4551. Requirements for Alternative Trading Systems to Record and Transmit Order and Execution Information for Security Futures

(a) Alternative Trading Systems' Recording Requirements
(1) Each alternative trading system that accepts orders for security futures (as defined in Section 3(a)(55) of the Exchange Act) shall record each item of information described in paragraph (b) of this Rule.

4530. Reporting Requirements

(a) Each member shall promptly report to FINRA, but in any event not later than 30 calendar days, after the member knows or should have known of the existence of any of the following:
(1) the member or an associated person of the member:
(A) has been found to have violated any securities-, insurance-, commodities-, financial- or investment-related laws, rules, regulations or standards of conduct of any domestic or foreign regulatory body, self-regulatory organization or business or professional organization

4523. Assignment of Responsibility for General Ledger Accounts and Identification of Suspense Accounts

(a) Each member shall designate an associated person who shall be responsible for each general ledger bookkeeping account and account of like function used by the member and such associated person shall control and oversee entries into each such account and shall determine that the account is current and accurate as necessary to comply with all applicable FINRA rules and federal securities laws governing books and records and financial responsibility requirements.

4522. Periodic Security Counts, Verifications and Comparisons

(a) Each member that is subject to the requirements of SEA Rule 17a-13 shall make the counts, examinations, verifications, comparisons and entries set forth in SEA Rule 17a-13.
(b) Each carrying or clearing member subject to the requirements of SEA Rule 17a-13 shall make more frequent counts, examinations, verifications, comparisons and entries where prudent business practice would so require.

4521. Notifications, Questionnaires and Reports

(a) Each carrying or clearing member shall submit to FINRA, or its designated agent, at such times as may be designated, or on an ongoing basis, in such form and within such time period as may be prescribed, such financial and operational information regarding the member or any of its correspondents as FINRA deems essential for the protection of investors and the public interest.
(b) Every member approved by the SEC pursuant to SEA Rule 15c3-1 to use the alternative method of computing net capital contained in Appendix E to tha

4518. Notification to FINRA in Connection with the JOBS Act

A member shall notify FINRA, in a manner prescribed by FINRA:
(a) prior to engaging, for the first time, in a transaction involving the offer or sale of securities in reliance on Section 4(a)(6) of the Securities Act; or
(b) within 30 days of directly or indirectly controlling, or being controlled by or under common control with, a funding portal as defined pursuant to Rule 300(c)(2) of SEC Regu