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6279. Alternative Trading Systems

(a) FINRA may provide a means to permit alternative trading systems ("ATSs"), as such term is defined in Regulation ATS, and electronic communications networks ("ECNs"), as such term is defined in Rule 600(b)(23) of SEC Regulation NMS, to comply with the display requirements of Rule 301(b)(3) of SEC Regulation ATS and the terms of the ECN display alternative provided for in Rule 602(b)(5)(ii)(A) and (B) of SEC Regulation NMS ("ECN display alternatives").

6278. Termination of Alternative Display Facility Data System Service

FINRA may, upon notice, terminate ADF Data System service in the event that an ADF Trading Center fails to qualify under specified standards of eligibility or fails to pay promptly for services rendered by FINRA.
Amended by SR-FINRA-2008-021 eff. Dec. 15, 2008.
Amended by SR-NASD-2006-091 eff. March 5, 2007.
Amended by SR-NASD-2005-087 eff. Aug. 1, 2006.

6275. Withdrawal of Quotations

(a) An ADF Trading Center that wishes to withdraw quotations in a security, other than instances when an ADF Trading Center is unable to submit automated quotations to the ADF, shall contact ADF Operations to obtain excused withdrawal status prior to withdrawing its quotations. If an ADF Trading Center cannot submit automated quotations or is unable to immediately and automatically respond to orders, as required by Rule 6250(e), the ADF Trading Center must immediately withdraw its quotations and promptly contact ADF Operations.

6273. Normal Business Hours

An ADF Trading Center shall be open for business as of 9:30 a.m. Eastern Time and shall close no earlier than 4:00 p.m. Eastern Time. An ADF Trading Center may be open for business on a voluntary basis for any period of time between 8:00 a.m. Eastern Time and 9:30 a.m. Eastern Time or between 4:00 p.m. Eastern Time and 6:30 p.m. Eastern Time. An ADF Trading Center whose quotes are open before 9:30 a.m. Eastern Time or after 4:00 p.m.

6272. Character of Quotations

(a) Quotation Requirements and Obligations
A member registered as a Registered Reporting ADF Market Maker shall engage in a course of dealings for its own account to assist in the maintenance, insofar as reasonably practicable, of fair and orderly markets in accordance with this Rule.
(1) Two-Sided Quote Obligation.
For each ADF-eligible security for which a member is a Registered Reporting