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12214. Payment of Arbitrators

(a) Except as provided in paragraph (b) of this Rule and in Rule 12800, FINRA will pay the panel an honorarium, as follows:
(1) $300 to each arbitrator for each hearing session in which he or she participates;
(2) an additional $125 to the chairperson for each prehearing conference in which he or she participates;
(3) an additional $250 per day to the chairperson for each hearing on the merits;

12212. Sanctions

(a) The panel may sanction a party for failure to comply with any provision in the Code, or any order of the panel or single arbitrator authorized to act on behalf of the panel.
Unless prohibited by applicable law, sanctions may include, but are not limited to:
•  Assessing monetary penalties payable to one or more parties;
•  Precluding a party from presenting evidence;
•  Making an adverse inference

12210. Ex Parte Communications

(a) Except as provided in Rule 12211, no party, or anyone acting on behalf of a party, may communicate with any arbitrator outside of a scheduled hearing or conference regarding an arbitration unless all parties or their representatives are present.
(b) No party, or anyone acting on behalf of a party, may send or give any written motion, request, submission or other materials directly to any arbitrator, unless the arbitrators and the parties agree, or the Code prov

12209. Legal Proceedings

During an arbitration, no party may bring any suit, legal action, or proceeding against any other party that concerns or that would resolve any of the matters raised in the arbitration.
Amended by SR-FINRA-2008-021 eff. Dec. 15, 2008.
Adopted by SR-NASD-2003-158 eff. April 16, 2007.

12207. Extension of Deadlines

(a) The parties may agree in writing to extend or modify any deadline for:
•  Serving an answer;
•  Returning arbitrator or chairperson lists;
•  Responding to motions; or
•  Exchanging documents or witness lists.
If the parties agree to extend or modify a deadline under this rule, they must notify the Director of the new deadline in writing.