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News Release

FINRA Supports NAC Members, Chris Brummer During Online Harassment

Washington - FINRA commends Georgetown Law Professor Chris Brummer and other National Adjudicatory Council (NAC) members for their ongoing contributions to FINRA's mission despite online attacks.

Prof. Brummer and several other NAC members and FINRA staff have been the target of a number of disparaging online attacks. The attacks followed a decision by a NAC appellate panel, which upheld a disciplinary action that barred two individuals from working in the securities industry. The SEC has denied a motion by the two individuals to stay their bar from associating with any FINRA firm while the case is on appeal, pending before the SEC.

Prof. Brummer has filed a lawsuit in state trial court in New York against the individual behind the defamatory website and the firms that own it. The lawsuit, filed in the Supreme Court of New York - No. 153583/2015, alleges "a retaliatory internet defamation campaign against FINRA, the FINRA panelists who issued the decision, and members of the advisory council that upheld it," including Prof. Brummer.