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Nancy Condon (202) 728-8379


FINRA Statement on SEC Leadership Changes

WASHINGTON — Richard G. Ketchum, Chairman and CEO of the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) released the following statement on the announcement of the resignation of Mary L. Schapiro, Chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission, and the appointment of Elisse B. Walter as her successor:

"Chairman Schapiro took over the SEC at an extremely challenging time, both for the agency and for the markets. Ms. Schapiro's commitment to investors and investor protection is unwavering. She significantly improved the Commission's enforcement division, boosted agency morale and streamlined the Commission's processes. I wish her all the best in her future endeavors.
"I would also like to congratulate Elisse Walter in her new position as Chairman. Her depth of knowledge of securities regulation and the markets and abiding concern for American investors will provide her a sound foundation as she leads the agency forward."

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