Three Resources for Senior Investors

Older Americans are frequently targeted by financial exploitation efforts, making investor protection and education of particular importance to this population. If you or someone you know is a senior investor, take advantage of these helpful resources from FINRA:
1. FINRA Securities Helpline for Seniors. Launched in 2015, this free service provides assistance from knowledgeable FINRA staff in response to concerns regarding brokerage accounts and investments. Older investors might have unique concerns that elevate the need for expedited attention with securities brokerage concerns, such as lack of outside income and potential health complications. If you feel that your account has been mishandled by an investment professional or have other concerns about your account or brokerage firm, Helpline staff can provide you with quick and easy access to information and resources.
Since inception, the Helpline has assisted thousands of investors. Calls have come in from all 50 states, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico with questions ranging from informational inquiries like what is an annuity or how to research an investment professional (see our next resource) to questions about required minimum distributions, estate matters, potential fraud or violations of FINRA rules.
The FINRA Securities Helpline for Seniors can be reached toll-free at 844-57-HELPS or 844-574-3577 from 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. Eastern Time, Monday through Friday.
2. FINRA BrokerCheck. FINRA oversees the people and firms that sell stocks, bonds, mutual funds and other securities. You can obtain more information about, including the disciplinary record of, any FINRA-registered financial professional or brokerage firm by using FINRA's BrokerCheck. FINRA makes BrokerCheck available at no charge. Every year, members of the public use this service to conduct tens of millions of reviews of broker or firm records.
You can access BrokerCheck online or by calling (800) 289-9999. Simply type in your current or prospective financial professional’s name to see their employment history, certifications, registrations and/or licenses—as well as regulatory actions, violations or complaints, if applicable. You can find copies of disciplinary actions as well as other disciplinary documents in FINRA's Disciplinary Actions Online database. You also can get information about your registered financial professional's firm.
3. Scam Meter. Even if you’ve never been subjected to a fraudulent investment sales pitch, you probably have heard about someone who has. FINRA’s Scam Meter can help you determine if an investment you're considering might be a scam in just four questions.
Anyone can be targeted by financial fraudsters, who are typically unlicensed and unregistered individuals selling unregistered investments. If you get a cold call or an unsolicited online or text message to buy an investment, don't answer or engage, even if the claim seems plausible. The best fraud pitches are designed to sound believable. Don’t feel guilty about ending a conversation. Not engaging at all, or ending contact quickly, is the best and safest response to anyone aggressively pitching investment opportunities, particularly if the promoter came to you, unsolicited. Let calls you don’t recognize go to voicemail, and block unknown callers or texters.
Read more about steps you can take to protect yourself against financial fraud and exploitation.
No matter what your age, be sure to research investment products and consider talking with an investment professional.
Learn more about red flags of fraud and protecting your money.