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About Corporate & Agency Trade Activity Data

This data provides trade activity for corporate and agency bonds for up to 10 years. Access up to three years real-time trade history per individual security. Corporate and agency bonds are investor loans to corporations or government-sponsored enterprises other than U.S. Treasury. Learn more about corporate and agency bonds and other bond types.

Fixed income data is compiled from multiple sources, including but not limited to TRACE, Refinitiv, S&P, Moody’s, and Black Knight Technologies and is published for noncommercial use. The TRACE Grade is generally based on a bond’s rating by Moody’s or S&P. Individuals should not make investment or other financial decisions solely on the basis of this data. Use of this site is subject to the Fixed Income Data User Agreement.

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About the Data

Data Glossary & User GuideCorporate and Agency Bond Data Glossary contains definitions of fields and possible values for Corporate and Agency Bond data set.  

Trade Activity Data Glossary contains definitions of fields and possible values for transaction data. 
Data SourcesData is collected through TRACE (Trade Reporting and Compliance Engine), the facility for mandatory reporting of over-the-counter transactions in eligible fixed income securities. TRACE data is complied with data from multiple sources, including but not limited to Refinitiv, S&P, Moody’s, and Black Knight Technologies.
Time PeriodUp to ten years end of day data. Up to three rolling-years of intraday transaction data is accessible from the Trade History link on an individual security page. 
Data PurposeComprehensive Corporate and Agency Bond information is published for non-commerical use to create level playing field for all market participants.  
Publish ScheduleUpdated daily. Since the bond market is less liquid than most markets for stocks, there may be no trade activity in a security for a period of time.

Data is disseminated on executed bond trades, not bond quotes. The TRACE system has no execution capability, nor can it accept quotations. To learn about how to buy and sell bonds, see Buying and Selling Bonds.

Terms of UseData is free for non-commerical use. Subscription data feeds are available to support academics, media, firms and industry. 

View Fixed Income Data User Agreement
View site Terms of Use. 
Available FormatsInteractive Grid
SupportFor additional information about Corporate and Agency data, write to email [email protected].