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Data Catalog
BrokerCheck is a free tool from FINRA that can help you research the professional backgrounds of brokers and brokerage firms, as well as investment adviser firms and advisers.
Corporate Financing Report Cards
Report cards are created for firms to monitor timeliness of Corporate Financing filings. These report cards display statistics about late filings submitted to Corporate Financing.
Cross-Market Supervision Report Cards
The Cross-Market Equities Supervision Manipulation Reports provide firms feedback on exceptions that were generated based on firms' order entries and trading activities in a given surveillance period. These reports are designed to assist firms with monitoring their supervision for trading behaviors that may be designed to manipulate the market.
Disciplinary Actions Online
FINRA disciplinary actions taken against firms and individuals for violations that were issued 2005 or later and are eligible for publication pursuant to FINRA Rule 8313 (Release of Disciplinary Complaints, Decisions and Other Information). Results will also include opinions issued by the SEC and federal appellate courts that relate to FINRA disciplinary actions that have been appealed.
Disclosure Report Cards
Reports cards published for firms to monitor their performance in reporting disclosure and non-disclosure events and CRD late filing fee information.
Equity Report Cards
Equity Report cards created to help firms track their compliance with key equity trading rules related to OATS, Best Execution Outside-of-the-Inside, Market Order Timeliness, Trade Reporting and Reg NMS trade throughs.
FINRA Gateway
FINRA Gateway is a portal for firms to access and submit data as needed for compliance functions, such as research, reporting and responding to requests.
General Annual Statistics
Statistics representing the work FINRA does as a regulator and an overview of the securities industry based on data we capture. Includes statistics on regulatory actions and corporate financing, registered representatives, and member firms.
Industry Snapshot
The FINRA Industry Snapshot provides a high-level overview of the industry, including revenues of firms and how firms market their products and services. All of the data are reported in aggregate to respect the confidentiality of regulatory information.
Margin Statistics
Pursuant to FINRA Rule 4521, FINRA member firms carrying margin accounts for customers are required to submit, on a settlement date basis, as of the last business day of the month, the total of all debit balances in securities margin accounts; and the total of all free credit balances in all cash accounts and all securities margin accounts. FINRA collects the required data via FINRA’s Customer Margin Balance Form. The data is compiled in aggregate form and made available below. See Regulatory Notice 10-08 (Customer Margin Accounts) for more information.