Free Trial Program Policies
FINRA offers the Free Trial program to all TRACE Vendors who sign the
. Participating Vendors must adhere to the below requirements:- Vendors must maintain their own trial agreement/contract with the prospective client.
- The Free Trial of TRACE Data must be run at the same time as a free trial of the vendors' system/interrogation device.
- Vendors are required monthly to report usage for each trial, including the firm's name, users, on the .
- Vendors are permitted to allow only 4 users of a single firm simultaneous access to the Trial data.
- Vendors are permitted to provide only one trial per firm, per calendar year.
- Vendor must remove access to and destroy existing TRACE Trial data immediately upon expiration of each trail, regardless of the firm's subscription status.
FINRA reserves the right cancel the Free Trial Program or access to it from any single vendor at its' sole discretion.