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TRACE Secure FTP Change

Please be aware the following Nasdaq infrastructure changes will affect all TRACE FTP subscribers.
NASDAQ will change the VPN concentrator address and the secure FTP server address effective Friday, May 13, 2005. Your firm will have a two-month parallel period to test and reconfigure your client to the new addresses. In order to make this a seamless transition for your firm, we are providing instructions below.

1.  VPN concentrator address will change from: to

  • Firms that utilize Cisco VPN client software and need instructions on how to configure the client to the new VPN concentrator address, can follow the link below.

    Cisco VPN Client Software Implementation Instructions
  • Firms that utilize site-to-site or peer-to-peer should call NASDAQ Technical Support (800) 243-4284 for further instructions.

2.  Secure FTP server address will change from to   

Firms should update any automated computer scripts to retrieve data via this new address.

Effective Date

Firms must make these changes by Friday, May 13, 2005. After this date, firms will only be able to retrieve the NASDAQ data they currently are subscribing to via the new VPN concentrator address and the new Secure FTP server address.

Testing Information

Firms can start making these changes now and test the new configurations now in parallel to their current configurations. Firms can migrate to the new addresses at any time prior to Friday, May 13, 2005.    

Contact Information

NASDAQ Technical Support:  (800) 243-4284