Update - FINRA NTF System Availability
12 p.m. ET:
The FINRA Test Facility (NTF) is now available for testing.
TRAQS users will be able to view all history data except for any transactions that were sent in this morning between 8:00 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. ET for TRACE CA and SP. All other products will display the full transaction history.
Please contact FINRA Product Management or call (866) 899-2107 with questions regarding this notice.
8 a.m. ET:
The FINRA Test Facility (NTF) is currently unavailable for testing. FINRA will notify clients when NTF is back online.
Production systems are unaffected.
Please contact FINRA Product Management or call (866) 899-2107 with questions regarding this notice.