Revisions to TRACE CTCI Specification
Following is a list of revisions to the TRACE CTCI Technical Specification.
Revised Version 1.8 (published 09/09/02)
- Section 3.1 - Re-inserted section explaining agency trade reporting, Give-Up trade reports, and AGU trade reports, which was inadvertently deleted from Version 1.7.
Revised Version 1.7 (published 08/01/02)
- Section 5.1 - Valid TRACE statuses returned in the acknowledgment messages are "W" - Was (BCNW message) and "T" - Trades entered for Trade Reporting (BCEN and BCAL messages).
- Section 5.1 - Changed the positions of 2 fields in the BCEN message format layout. The Automatic Giveup Flag is now in position 118 and the Append Modifier is now in position 119 - 121.
- Section 5.2 - Changed the positions of 2 fields in the BCAL message format layout. The Automatic Giveup Flag is now in position 118 and the Append Modifier is now in position 119 - 121.
- Section 5.4 - Changed the positions of 2 fields in the BCNW message format layout. The Automatic Giveup Flag is now in position 118 and the Append Modifier is now in position 119 - 121.
- Appendix B - Removed additional internal supervisory reject messages.
Revised Version 1.6 (published 05/09/02)
- Section 1.1 - Updated text.
- Section 1.2 - Updated text.
- Section 2.2 - Removed the very last sentence in the section.
- Section 3.1 - Added section explaining agency trade reporting, Give-Up trade reports, and AGU trade reports.
- Section 3.2 - Inserted Carriage Return Line Feed (CR LF) after the Control Number field.
- Section 3.3.1 - Updated text.
- Section 4.2 - Line 3: updated text.
- Section 5.1 - Exhibit 5.1: revised format.
- Section 5.2 - Exhibit 5.2: revised format.
- Appendix B - Removed internal supervisory reject message.
Revised Version 1.5 (published 03/01/02)
- Section 1.2 - CTCI-MQ Interface
- Revised text, and provided a contact name and phone number.
- Section 2.0 - Input Message Formats
- Added text to refer to the Nasdaq CTCI Message Switch document.
- Header and Trailer Layout Diagram - revised BCAN to BCER.
- Section 2.4 - Text Field Definitions and all Message layouts
- The Yield format description revised to show that spaces should be entered when no yield is being provided.
- Section 4.0 - Switch Output Messages
- Added text to refer to the Nasdaq CTCI Message Switch document.
- Section 4.3 - TRACE UM Notification Message
- Revised the Originator Code from TRACE to BND. Refer to Chapter 4 - Standard Output Message Formats in the Nasdaq CTCI Message Switch document.
- Appendix A
- Removed text. Refer to Appendix A in the Nasdaq CTCI Message Switch document.
Revised Version 1.4 (published 01/02/02)
- Revised Section 1.2 to include CTCI - MQ Interface information.
- Section 2.1 Header
- Line 1A Destination - revised from "BCAN" to "BCER"
- End of Section 2.2 - Added a user-friendly Header/Trailer layout.
- Section 2.4 Text Field Definitions
- Revised "Trade Date" to "As-of / Reversal Trade Date"
- End of Section 5.1.1 - Added a user-friendly message format layout.
- End of Section 5.2.1 - Added a user-friendly message format layout.
- End of Section 5.3 - Added a user-friendly message format layout.
- End of Section 5.4 - Added a user-friendly message format layout.
Revised Version 1.3 (published 12/17/01)
- Section 2.1 Header
- Line 1A Category - revised "Other BACT" to "OTHER"
- Section 2.2 Trailer
- I. Removed "right justified"
- II. Added "A space is used to separate the sequence number from any following user-defined data.
Example: [user-defined data]OLX 0034[spaceuser-defined data] - III. Reworded introductory sentence and examples.
- Section 2.4 Text Field Definitions
- Reversal Indicator definition - revised the last paragraph
- Section 3.1 RP Trade Entry
- Reject Message - added sentence "The maximum size of a reject reason is 75 bytes."
- Section 4.2 Reject Message Format
- Line 3 - Added sentence, "The maximum reject reason size is 75 bytes."
- Section 5.1 Acknowledgement Message (BCEN)
- Line 1 - revised "Other" to "OTHER"
- Exhibit 5.1 (BCEN) - revised the "Reserved Field" position and format in the message format.
- Section 5.2 Allege Messages (BCAL)
- Line 1 - revised "Other" to "OTHER"
- Exhibit 5.2 (BCAL) - revised the "Reserved Field" position and format in the message format.
- Section 5.4 No/Was TRACE UM Notification (BCNW)
- Exhibit 5.4 (BCNW) - revised the "Reserved Field" position and format in the message format.
Revised Version 1.2 (published 10/22/01)
- Added new Appendix B containing list of CTCI rejection messages
Revised Version 1.1 (published 08/03/01)
- Removed DCAL and DCEN text
- Removed BCPI text
- Added text to say that "C" is a valid input in the CPID field for "Customer"
- Added text to say that AGU transactions must be entered from the Seller's point of view
- Corrected the Trade Modifier priorities
- Added text alerting current FIPS CTCI users of migration issues from X.25 to TCP/IP