ORF Migration: Major Functional and Administrative Areas for the Migration
The FINRA ORF technical platform migration will begin on Monday, November 17, 2014. The major functional and administrative areas for the migration are listed below.
are also available to assist firms with the ORF migration.ORF Carryover Transactions From November 14, 2014, to November 17, 2014
- Firms should attempt to lock in all ORF trades in Nasdaq ACT by close of business (COB) Friday, November 14, 2014.
- Unmatched ORF trades that remain in Nasdaq ACT after COB Friday, November 14, 2014, will be carried over in Nasdaq ACT to the next business day, Monday, November 17, 2014.
- Carried over trades in Nasdaq ACT may be accepted, declined or cancelled in Nasdaq ACT until 14:30 on November 17. Carried over trades in Nasdaq ACT will not be eligible for match/compare on November 17.
- Firms wanting to correct carried over trades in Nasdaq ACT on November 17 must cancel them in Nasdaq ACT and then enter a new trade in FINRA ORF. If a firm attempts to correct a carried over trade in Nasdaq ACT, the attempted correction action will be rejected.
- Carried over trades in Nasdaq ACT, which are not accepted, declined or cancelled on November 17 will be auto-locked in Nasdaq ACT by 14:30 as per normal Nasdaq Act processing. These trades will appear to DTCC with the original blotter code.
FINRA Agreements
All FINRA agreements must be on file with FINRA prior to firms accessing and reporting trades to ORF.
- All firms must execute a
or an
if the FPA was previously signed to access TRACE.
- All firms reporting trades on behalf of another member firm must have an executed FINRA
on file with FINRA prior to submitting trades to ORF. QSR and AGU agreements will not be transferred to ORF.
Beginning November 17, 2014, trade reports for all OTC equity securities (OTCBB; other-OTC) must be routed to FINRA’s ORF system and not Nasdaq’s ACT system. Reports for OTC equity securities reported to ACT will be rejected, and NMS securities reported to ORF will be rejected.
- and users must connect to their ORF production ports and IP addresses as assigned by Nasdaq Technical Services.
- To connect to the FINRA TRAQS secure website, firms should use https://www.finratraqs.org.
Reference Data
Access to OTC equity reference data files, which includes the security master file and the OTC Equities Daily List, will no longer be available via FTP. The FINRA ORF
will support queries for all OTC equities reference data files. An must be executed and on file with FINRA in order to have access to the FINRA ORF API.ORF Trade Journals
Clearing firms and correspondents can access daily trade journals containing their transaction activity via FINRA ADDS. Files are available for request on the FINRA ADDS website each morning for the prior day’s trading activity. Firms interested in retrieving the data via SFTP can enroll in the ORF Data Delivery SFTP service. For information on accessing FINRA ADDS, see www.finra.org/datadelivery, or email Data Delivery.
The OTCBB.com website will be retired as of November 17, 2014. Information currently available on OTCBB.com, including OTC equities market statistics and the OTC Equities Daily List, will be listed on the FINRA.org website.
Reg SHO Threshold List
Effective Monday, November 17, 2014, the Regulation SHO Threshold List for OTC Equities (i.e. OTCBB and Other OTC) will no longer be available on NasdaqTrader.com. Beginning November 17, 2014, it will be available only via the OTC Reporting Facility (ORF) pages on FINRA.org.
Trade Data Dissemination
OTC equity transaction data will be disseminated via a new data feed,
. As of COB on November 14, 2014, the legacy TDDS will be shut down. The ports and IP addresses for the new TDDS 2.0 data feed are:
Multicast Group |
Class D Multicast Address |
Port |
Source IP Address |
Primary Group | |
55378 | |
Secondary Group | |
55379 | |
Issue/Question |
Contact |
TRAQS browser access; setup or functionality; TRACE for ORF Order Form; API access ; Agreements |
(866) 776-0800 |
ORF Technical Specifications and system functionality questions |
(866) 899-2107 |
ORF CTCI or FIX connectivity |
Nasdaq Technical Services (212) 231-5180 option #1 |
ORF Notices Signup to receive e-mail notifications |
ORF Rules Guidance |
FINRA Market Regulation (240) 386-5126 |
Please direct questions concerning this notice via email to FINRA Product Management or call (866) 899-2107.