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1 New Market Center ID for NASD/NYSE Trade Reporting Facility

April 16, 2007

On February 1, 2007, NASD filed a proposed rule change (SR-NASD-2007-011) to establish a new Trade Reporting Facility in conjunction with the New York Stock Exchange ("NYSE") that would provide members another mechanism for reporting trades in exchange-listed securities effected otherwise than on an exchange.

NASD is issuing this OATS Report to inform members that they are required to submit a Market Center ID of "DN" on the OATS Execution Report for any transaction executed by a member and reported to the NASD/NYSE Trade Reporting Facility.

NASD reminds members reporting trades to the NASD/NYSE Trade Reporting Facility that they have an obligation to match the OATS Execution Report to the related NASD/NYSE trade report. OATS matches on the following fields: branch/sequence number, execution timestamp, firm MPID, and issue symbol. For further information regarding the trade matching requirements, please refer to the OATS Reporting Technical Specifications.

The new code of "DN" will be required beginning on the effective date of SR-NASD-2007-011.

If you have any questions regarding this OATS Report or OATS in general, please call the NASD Helpdesk at (800) 321-NASD.