Reminder - Participant Data Management (PDM) System
As a reminder, FINRA is introducing a new system, Participant Data Management (PDM), for FINRA member firms to submit the FINRA Participant Agreement and FINRA Order Form. Starting on December 1, 2021, member firms may test the new PDM system in the customer test environment with the same login credentials used to access the FINRA Participant Agreement or FINRA Order Form today in production. The test environment is available at
Information about the new PDM system and access to training materials including the user guide and FAQ’s can be found by visiting our Participant Data Management page.
Please note: Users are encouraged to submit valid changes into the test environment as successful submissions will be transmitted to the NTF region of TRAQS. Changes to TRAQS login ids, client authorizations, clearing numbers, or the firm’s agreements will be reflected in the TRAQS NTF environment.
Please email FINRA Market Operations or call (866) 776-0800, option 2, if you have any questions regarding this notice.