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FINRA Gateway Release Notes

Release DateSystemAreaDescription
March 22, 2025FINRA Gateway5122/5123 Private Placement FilingsAs part of FINRA’s Digital Experience Transformation, FINRA is enhancing the private placement filing experience via FINRA Gateway. Please note that while FINRA is upgrading the user interface, there are no changes in the underlying rules.
February 6, 2025FinPro (Financial Professional Gateway) User ExperienceThe top-level learning plan status under MQP CE History shows “Not Required” in FinPro when the user did not complete their full learning plan (only completed their Regulatory Element courses and not their Practical Element courses or vice versa) by their learning plan due date.
January 18, 2025FINRA GatewayFirm Profiles

Firm Profiles:

In anticipation of a new version of Form PF becoming effective on March 12, 2025, firm users will now have the ability to create a draft of the new Form PF version for sections 1-4 using the modern data collection experience. Three new links will be added:

  • Form PF Section 1-4: This hyperlink is added to the ‘Actions’ Section in Firm Profile. When clicked on the link, a new browser tab will open allowing firms to initiate a Form PF - Section 1-4 Filing based on the new version.
  • Form PF – Section 1-4 Draft: This hyperlink is placed under ‘Filings’ Section which will navigate to display the form PF Section 1-4 Draft. As there can be only one “Form PF 1-4 draft” at a time, the count of draft will not be displayed.
  • Generate Private Fund ID: This hyperlink is added to ‘Actions’ Section in Firm Profiles. When clicked on the link, a pop-over will open allowing the user to generate Private Fund ID and time the ID is generated on.

Event History:

“Event History” table view now supports display of Form PF Section 1-4 Filings.

  • “Filing ID” hyperlink for Form PF Section 1-4 filings will navigate to respective system (PFRD/FINRA Gateway) where the filing is done.
  • Five new table columns are added to the Event History that are applicable for Form PF 1-4 filings. For non-PF Section 1-4 filings, these columns will display a ‘-’ (hyphen).
    • Reporting Frequency
    • Filing Type
    • Reporting Period
    • Reporting Quarter
    • Submission Method
  • Also, ‘Status’ and ‘Archived’ fields now provide the ability to filter filings.
January 6, 2025FINRA GatewayU4 Form and APICompleteness checks for the RSL Question for online and API Form U4 filings have been enabled. The completeness checks will prevent firms from submitting a Form U4 filing without a response to the RSL Question when one is required.
December 14, 2024FINRA GatewayIndividual Profiles
  • Two new statuses were added for Investment Adviser Representatives (IAR) CE
    • Not Applicable Status: Green Color 
    • Termed Status: Red Color 
  • If a firm has enabled the Regulatory Element CE Firm due date setting, a ‘Firm due date’ is now displayed on the individual’s Summary and Continuing Education sections. The existing due date is renamed as SRO due date.
October 27, 2024FinPro (Financial Professional Gateway)Continuing EducationA new “Not Required” CE status for the Regulatory Element will be added for individuals who are fully terminated.​ The status will be displayed only in the CE section.
October 26, 2024FINRA GatewayIndividual ProfilesA new “Not Required” CE status for the Regulatory Element will be added for individuals who are fully terminated. This status will be displayed under the Summary Section.
September 14, 2024FINRA GatewayForm U4The U4 Form will be updated to include the Residential Supervisor Location (RSL) question. Firms can select “Yes” or “No” in response to the question, by selecting a radio button, to indicate whether the location is designated as an RSL as defined in FINRA Rule 3110.
September 14, 2024FINRA GatewayReports
  • A new “Residential Supervisory Locations” template that firms can use to track locations that have been designated as Residential Supervisor Locations (RSLs) will become available.
  • RSL related fields will become available in the “Active Individuals”, “Branch Roster”, Branches by Deficiency Status”, and “Person in Charge” templates.
August 22, 2024FinPro (Financial Professional Gateway)User Experience

If a firm has defined an earlier firm CE due date via FINRA Gateway, this date will be displayed on FinPro on the individual’s profile summary, CE Reminders, and CE sections when they are required to take the Regulatory Element CE.

If the individual has multiple firm associations and have multiple firm CE due dates applicable, only earliest firm CE due date will be displayed.

July 18, 2024FINRA GatewayForm BRCompleteness checks for the Form BR have been update to support implementation of the Residential Supervisory Location Rule. See RSL key topics page for information
June 28, 2024FINRA GatewayRegulatory Task Catalog

Regulatory Task Catalog will be available for all firm users in FINRA Gateway. This new feature will replace the current Browse Forms & Filings feature in Requests & Filings and provide users a more effective way to search for the forms, filings, or other regulatory items they want to initiate or learn more. 

There will be 3 entry points to Regulatory Task Catalog:

  1. Via Regulatory Task Catalog widget on the dashboard. This new widget will be displayed to all firm users by default. 
  2. Via the 3rd micro app icon "Regulatory Task Catalog" on the left navigation bar. 
  3. Via the "Browse Regulatory Tasks" link in the Requests & Filings application.
June 22, 2024FINRA GatewayIndividual Profiles

Individual Profiles:

  • The IAR CE sub-section under the Continuing Education section will now display yearly accordions for all years including the years with “No Courses” completed in descending order. Previously, years without courses completed were not displayed.
  • Minor Fix to address the font for the “Continuing Education” section. With this fix, the font will be the same as other sections.
June 1, 2024FINRA GatewayForms and FilingsFirms can provision a form to submit the 3110.18 Remote Inspection Opt-in/ Opt-out form.
For more information, click here.
May 15, 2024FinPro (Financial Professional Gateway)User Experience
  • Individuals can create FinPro accounts using their Gmail credentials. Click here to learn more.
  • Enhanced account recovery process to improve user experience.
  • Provide the ability to view and edit email addresses on the FinPro summary section.
April 15, 2024FINRA GatewayE-Bill

E-Bill, FINRA's financial system, is now integrated with FINRA Gateway. A new Wallet feature has also been launched with this integration to support centralized payment management.

Entitled users can access E-Bill through a widget or the left-hand navigation bar in FINRA Gateway. There is also a direct link to the application.

Consult the E-Bill page for more information about the system.

April 5, 2024FINRA GatewayLogin pageAdded an additional tab to the Gateway login page with clear labeling for different users. For accounts associated with a firm or organization and managed by an SAA/AA, users must use the Firm/Org tab to log in. For individual accounts not associated with a firm or organization, users must log in through the Individual tab.
March 23, 2024FINRA GatewayIndividual Profiles and Firm Profiles

Individual Profiles:


  • IAR CE Status hover-over language has been updated for “Failed to Renew” and “Termed” Statuses

Qualifications Section:

  • Informational URLs have been moved from the top of the section, to display next to the respective column headers.
    • Exam History Section
      • “Information on Validity” URL moved beside the ‘Validity’ column.  
      • “Information on Result status” URL moved beside the ‘Result’ column. 
    • Pending Exams Section 
      • “Information on Scheduling Exams” URL moved beside to Appointment Date column. 
  • “Exam Code” column has been enhanced to display the specific Exam Code description, upon hovering on the exam code. This change is implemented for Exam Code column in both “Exam History” and “Pending Exams” tabs under Qualifications section.  
  • Date format across all tabs – (Exam History, Pending Exams, Exam Waivers, Professional Designations) has been updated from “mon dd, yyyy” to “mm/dd/yyyy” to keep it uniform across all sections.  

Firm and Branch Profile:

  • Fix to address the issue where the registration status displayed in the Broker Dealer section of the Firm profile landing page is not displayed. With this fix, the user will be able to view the SEC registration status.  
  • Fix to address the duplicate entry in “Recently viewed” section for Branch Profile visit. With this fix, the user will be able to see only one branch profile entry with appropriate URL info to navigate.  
  • Fix to address the issue with branch website URL that doesn’t open in a new window. With this fix, the user will be able to open websites under the branch websites tab under Branch Information section in a new window.
March 8, 2024Financial Professional Gateway (FinPro)FINRA's Maintaining Qualifications Program (MQP), NASAA's Exam Validity Extension Programs (EVEPs)Ability to pay for CE programs with a non-US credit card; Program year added to FINRA MQP and NASAA EVEP payment confirmation page in FinPro and the payment confirmation email.
March 2, 2024FINRA GatewayReports

Regulatory Element Annual CE Report Template Enhancements

  • Added the “Course Completion Date” field to the Annual Reg Element templates as an optional field.
March 2, 2024FINRA GatewayMulti-Factor Authentication (MFA)
  • As a mandatory security measure, Duo is changing the way users interact with multi-factor authentication (MFA). Starting 3/2, users will notice the new user experience when completing Duo MFA.
  • MFA information web site and FINRA MFA Guide linked on the site are updated with detailed instructions and screenshots of the new user experience.
  • This is only a user experience change and not an expansion of users subject to MFA.
February 12, 2024FINRA GatewayUser Account Settings
  • Provide users the ability to view the Quick Link description when hovering over the Quick Link on the dashboard widget. 
  • Add a new Quick Link “Membership Application Program Compliance Tool” on the dashboard widget so that New Member Application(NMA) users can easily access
February 12, 2024FINRA GatewayProfiles

Bug Fixes: 

  • Fix to address the issue where the Individual Profile – Continuing Education - CE history prior to 2023 section label was incorrectly displaying the current year (“CE History Prior to 2024”). With this fix, the label will always display “CE History Prior to 2023” instead of the current year which is in-line with the data displayed.
  • Fix to address the issue with Firm Profile Dynamic Reporting grids where the grid was not automatically getting refreshed when a change was made. With this fix the grid automatically gets refreshed after an edit.
January 20, 2024FINRA GatewayIndividual ProfilesFix to address the automatic redirection to the Individual Profile when trying to go back to the search results after search was done for a CRD #. With this fix the user will be able to view the search result page when the user goes back to previous page by using the back button from the Individual Profiles.
January 20, 2024FINRA GatewayBranch ProfilesAn informational icon will be displayed for Business Activities on Branch Profiles, and on hover over will display the list of the business activities along with the icons enabling the user to quickly get a view of all business activities.
January 20, 2024FINRA GatewayFirm ProfilesFix to address the broken link for “Create New Branch” under the actions section on the BD Profile page. With this fix, the action link directs the user to the Branch Information form.