Reminder: FINRA MPP Client Connections to Nasdaq Data Center
FINRA client connections to its Multi Product Platform (MPP) services, such as TRACE, the Over the Counter Reporting Facility (ORF), the OTC Bulletin Board (OTCBB) and the Alternative Display Facility (ADF) are routed through Nasdaq, which acts as FINRA's service provider. Nasdaq is currently making changes to its connectivity offering, that will impact FINRA member firms.
FINRA clients that report trades to TRACE or to the Over the Counter Reporting Facility (ORF), or that report quotes to the OTC Bulletin Board (OTCBB) may be affected by this initiative. In addition, FINRA clients that subscribe to market data from any one of the FINRA data feeds—ATDS, BTDS, BTDS-144A, SPDS, SPDS-144A, BBDS and TDDS 2.0—may be affected by this initiative.
FINRA clients that directly connect or use co-location connectivity to Nasdaq for any of FINRA's MPP services or data feeds listed above are required to contact Nasdaq as per Nasdaq's recent notice regarding fees for the connectivity expansion. The original Nasdaq notice detailing this initiative includes the details these firms should follow.
FINRA clients that use an extranet provider to connect to one of FINRA's MPP services or data feeds should contact the extranet provider to ensure the necessary steps are being taken so their connectivity is not disrupted during this connectivity transition.
Lastly, FINRA clients that rely on a service bureau or any other third party to provide connectivity for trade reporting or quoting to any FINRA service should verify with their provider that their ability to perform these functions will not be interrupted because of this change.
Connectivity questions regarding this notice should be directed to Kate Scholes at Nasdaq at (212) 312-0339 or [email protected]. Questions regarding any MPP service can be directed to FINRA Product Management at (866) 899-2107.