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TRACE Foreign Sovereign Debt Report Card

The TRACE Detail Data Download is designed to accompany the TRACE Quality of Markets Summary Report Card as a tool to help a firm analyze and improve its compliance-related activities associated with reporting transactions via TRACE.

The following table describes the content and structure of the detail data download file: 

Field NameDefinition
Alert TypeThis is an abbreviation for the exception category on the report card into which this transaction fell. Users can sort this file by the Alert Type to group transactions with certain characteristics together. A list of the alert codes, as well as their corresponding categories in the TRACE Quality of Markets Report Card, is included below.
Execution DateThis is the date the transaction was executed.
Execution TimeThis is the time the transaction was executed.
Report DateThis is the date the transaction was reported to TRACE.
Report TimeThis is the time the transaction was reported to TRACE.
Settlement DateThis is the date the transaction settled.
Reporting Executing FirmThis is the MPID of your firm, i.e., the executing party with reporting responsibility for this transaction. Note: if this trade report was submitted pursuant to a give-up agreement, the firm that reported the trade on your firm’s behalf will appear in the Reporting Party field.
Report Firm CapIndicates whether the firm executed the trade for its own account (P for Principal) or for a third party (A for Agent).
Report Clearing IDThis is the Clearing ID of the firm clearing the trade. This field is not required.
Contra FirmThis is the party on the other side of the trade. Contra parties that are non-FINRA members will be identified with the letter “C” (for customer).  Contra parties that transaction with non-member affiliates are identified with the letter "A" (for affiliate).
ATS Execution MPIDThis field allows Reporting firms to identify if a trade is an ATS execution (the trade was executed on an ATS’s platform) by entering the ATS’ MPID. An ATS may or may not be a party (RP or CP) in these transactions.  CPID of (C or A) are not allowed on ATS Executions
SymbolThis is the TRACE symbol of the bond.
Issuer NameThe Name of the security’s issuer
CUSIPThis is the CUSIP of the bond.
ISINThe International Securities Identification Number (ISIN) is a code that uniquely identifies a security globally for the purposes of facilitating clearing, reporting and settlement of trades.
FIGIFinancial Instrument Global Identifier™ (FIGI™) is an established global standard and an identification standard adopted by the American National Committee X9. The FIGI standard is issued and distributed by Bloomberg L.P. as a Registration Authority and Certified Provider under the auspice of OMG®.
Security DescriptionThe security description
Buy/SellIndicates whether the firm bought (B) or sold (S) the security.
Entered PriceThis is the price at which the firm reported the trade was executed.
SizeThis is the dollar amount of the trade. 
Reporting PartyThis is the firm that submitted the trade report. If the trade was submitted on behalf of your firm pursuant to a give-up agreement, this will be the MPID of the firm that had the responsibility to report the trade on your firm’s behalf.
Submitting FirmThis is the entity that entered the trade. The trade may be entered by the responsible party, a Give-Up firm, a firm you have an agreement with, or a service bureau. This value will be different from Reporting Party when a Service Bureau submits the trade on the Reporting Party’s behalf.
Seller CommissionThis is the dollar amount charged as commission on the sell side. This field is not required and will only be viewable if your firm is on the sell side of the transaction.
Buyer CommissionThis is the dollar amount charged as commission on the buy side. This field is not required and will only be viewable if your firm is on the buy side of the transaction.
No Remuneration IndicatorThis field is used to identify whenever a commission or markup/markdown is not assessed on the trade at the item of execution. Entry of “N” indicates the trade does not include remuneration of any kind. Blank value means the trade does include remuneration, for example commission or markup/markdown built into the price. 
Modifier 3

This field pertains to Extended Hours/Late Sale Conditions. Possible values are:

  • T = trade reported outside normal market hours
  • Z = trade reported during normal market hours and late
  • U = trade reported outside of normal market hours and late Null
Modifier 4This field is provided when the transaction is reported with a Weighted Average Price modifier (“W”).
Price OverrideAn O in this column indicates that the firm set the Override flag when reporting this transaction.
Special Price IndicatorA Y in this column indicates that the firm set the Special Price flag when reporting this transaction.
Special Price MemoThis field is a required memo field when Special Price flag = Y, and is used to describe the reason for the special price.

This indicates the source of the TRACE submission. Values are:

  • C = CTCI
  • W = Web
  • F = FIX
  • Q= QIX
  • B=Batch File
  • S = FINRA Supervisor
  • M = Mass Cancel or Mass Correct
  • G = Multi-entry

This indicates the status of the transaction. Values are: 

  • T = Newly Reported Trade
  • X = Canceled – assigned to a trade where the submitting party canceled the trade after the system assigned a trade ID
  • C = Correction Canceled – assigned to the canceled portion of a trade that was modified
  • R = Correction New Trade – represents the new trade resulting from a trade correction
  • Y = Reversal – a trade that was canceled more than 20 days after the trade report was submitted 
As-OfA Y in this column indicates that the trade was reported as an as-of report. 
ReversalA Y in this column indicates that the trade report was a reversal.
Locked-In IndicatorA Y in this column indicates that the trade is locked-in and satisfies both sides (Buy and Sell) of the trade reporting requirement. 
TRACE Control IDThis is a unique ID for this transaction, provided by TRACE. 
Control DateThis is the date the trade was reported. A trade is uniquely identified by Control ID + Control Date. In the case of a cancelation or correction, this is the date the cancelation or correction was reported, and prior trade control date will contain the date the trade being canceled or corrected was originally submitted. 
Client Trade IDThis is an optional user-defined trade reference number which may be used by firms to perform trade management.
Prior Trade Control IDThis is the reference number of the prior trade. This will be populated on cancelations and corrections.
Prior Trade Control DateThis will be populated on cancelations and corrections and is the date the trade being canceled or corrected was originally submitted. A trade is uniquely identified by Control ID + Control Date.
Memo TextThis field may be used for internal purposes by the reporting firm.
Branch Seq NumThis is an in-house reference number assigned to the trade by the Reporting Party.
Trading Mkt IndicatorThis indicates whether the data is for a Primary Market Trade (P1) or Secondary Market Trade (S1).
Match IdentifierThis field is provided for detail records where Alert Type = ExTimeDiff. The Match Identifier and Match Date will be the same on the Report and Contra side trades that matched.
Match DateThis is the date that TRAQS matched the trades.   This field is provided for detail records where Alert Type = ExTimeDiff. The Match Identifier and Match Date will be the same on the Report and Contra side trades that matched.
Reporting Party Type Code

A – Affiliates

B – Depository Customer

C – Customer

D – Dealer

N – Non-ATS Depository

P - Platform Traded Funds

S – ATS Depository

T – Non-Depository ATS

Contra Party Type Code

A – Affiliates

B – Depository Customer

C – Customer

D – Dealer

N – Non-ATS Depository

P - Platform Traded Funds

S – ATS Depository

T – Non-Depository ATS

Note: for each trade included in the Execution Time Difference count on the report card, the firm will have two trade reports flagged as ExTimeDiff. A firm will be able to see its trade report and the trade report submitted by the contra that matched, so that the difference in execution times can be reviewed. 

Alert CodeReport Card FieldDescription
LSDCustLate Same Day – CustomerLate same day trade report with a customer as contra
AsOfCustAs-Of - CustomerLate As-of report with a customer as contra
LSDDealerLate Same Day – DealerLate same day trade report with a dealer as contra
AsOfDealerAs-Of - DealerAs-of report with a dealer as contra
LSDLockInLate Same Day – Locked-InLate same day locked-in trade report
AsOfLockInAs-Of – Locked-InLate As-of locked-in trade report 
LSDAffiliateLate Same Day – AffiliateLate same day trade report with a customer as affiliate
AsOfAffiliate Late As-Of - AffiliateLate As-of report with a customer as affiliate
NonMilitaryNon-military Execution TimePotential occurrence of execution time not in military format; these are trades with an execution time between 01:00 and 06:00
AsOfExTimeAs-Of Execution TimeExecution date 1+ days earlier, execution time same as report time
CancelSDSame Day CancelCancelation on the day the trade was originally reported
CancelPDPrior Day CancelCancelation between 1 and 20 days after the trade was reported
ReversalReversalCancelation more than 20 days after the trade was reported
CorrectSDSame Day CorrectionCorrection on the day the trade was reported
CorrectPDPrior Day CorrectionCorrection one or more days after the trade was reported
OverridePrice OverridePrice override indicator provided on trade report
SpecialPriceSpecial Price IndicatorSpecial Price Indicator provided on trade report
NoRemunerationNo Remuneration IndicatorNo Remuneration Indicator provided on trade report
UnmatchRReport Side UnmatchedInter-Dealer trade report submitted by report firm for which no matching trade report was identified by TRACE
UnmatchCContra Side UnmatchedInter-Dealer trade report submitted by another firm listing this firm as contra for which no matching trade report was identified by TRACE
ExTimeDiffEarlierExecution Time Difference Earlier ReportInter-Dealer trade report in which the report matched with a contra firm’s trade report but the execution time submitted by the report firm was more than 15 minutes before the execution time submitted by the contra firm.
ExTimeDiffLaterExecution Time Difference Later ReportInter-Dealer trade report in which the report matched with a contra firm’s trade report but the execution time submitted by the report firm was more than 15 minutes after the execution time submitted by the contra firm.
IntraFirmIntra Firm Trade ReportInter-Dealer or Locked-in trade report in which the reporting and contra parties (as identified by their MPID) are related to the same broker-dealer (mapping to the same Firm CRD #)
ATSUnmatchedATS Unmatched TradesInter-Dealer trade report in which the report matched with a contra firm’s trade report but the ATS MPID submitted by the report firm different than the ATS MPID of the contra firm’s report.  Just like other unmatched analyses, we provide both the reporting and contra side trade for the transaction.
RPTG_PARTY_TYPE_CDReporting Party Type Code

A – Affiliates

B – Depository Customer

C – Customer

D – Dealer

N – Non-ATS Depository

P - Platform Traded Funds

S – ATS Depository

T – Non-Depository ATS

CNTRA_PARTY_TYPE_CDContra Party Type Code

A – Affiliates

B – Depository Customer

C – Customer

D – Dealer

N – Non-ATS Depository

P - Platform Traded Funds

S – ATS Depository

T – Non-Depository ATS

TRACE Reporting Peer Group (by number of Valid Transactions)

Peer GroupNumber of Valid Trades
11,200 or more
2600 – 1,199
3200 - 599
41 - 199