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Store and Retrieve Spark DataFrames Natively with FINRA’s Herd


What is Herd?


Herd is big data governance for the cloud. The herd Unified Data Catalog (UDC) helps separate compute from storage in the cloud. Herd job orchestration manages your ETL and analytics processes while tracking all data in the catalog. Here is a quick summary of features:

  • Unified Data Catalog - A centralized, auditable catalog for operational usage and data governance
  • Lineage Tracking - Capture data ancestry for regulatory, forensic, and analytical purposes
  • Cluster Management - Create and launch clusters and load data into clusters from catalog entries
  • Job Orchestration - Orchestrate clusters and catalog services to automate processing jobs

Find out more about herd features on our GitHub project page.

Quick Start

The best way to start learning about herd is through the links below. The demo installation process is quick and easy - you can have herd up and running in AWS in 10 to 15 minutes and start registering data immediately afterwards.

What is Herd/Spark DataCatalog API?

DataCatalog library creates DataFrames of data registered with herd. The goal of the library is to provide a facility to create Spark DataFrames with any Business Object Data registered with herd. Using this service catalog, you can browse for available objects, get necessary parameters to query for a specific Business Object Data, get the Business Object Data as a Spark DataFrame, or save a Spark Dataframe to herd.

What Problems are Solved Using DataCatalog?

  1. Less code writing in your notebook
  2. Users can load the data without knowing details about the data (e.g., schema, S3 location, etc.), saving the hassle of making extra herd calls to get the schema and location and then having to parse them
  3. Saves time
  4. Easy access to data
  5. Users can save the DataFrame directly in herd without registering the data separately in herd
  6. Users can share the data registered in herd using saveDataFrame feature.

DataCatalog Features

API Description
DataCatalog Instance Constructor for creating a DataCatalog instance. There are 2 ways of creating an instance:
  1. Using credstash
  2. Using an individual credential
dmWipeNamespace This function removes objects, schemas, partitions, and files from a namespace
getDataAvailability This function returns all available Business Object Data for range 2000-01-01 to 2099-12-31 from herd into a Spark DataFrame
getDataAvailabilityRange This function returns all available Business Object Data for the given range from herd into a Spark DataFrame
getDataFrame Given the herd object location identifiers, this function will load the data from S3 and return the Spark DataFrame (works for a list of partitions)
getPartitions This function queries and returns the Spark SQL StructFields of partitions of the given object
getSchema This function queries REST and returns the Spark SQL StructFields for the given data object
loadDataFrame This function returns a Spark DataFrame of data registered with herd
saveDataFrame This function saves and registers a DataFrame with herd (supports sub-partitioned data)
unionUnionSchema This function unions the DataFrame (missing columns get null values)

Steps to Use DataCatalog API

1. Create an uber jar file from the GitHub repo by running mvn clean install command
2.Upload the jar to Jupyter or Databricks notebook or add the following dependency to your local project:




3. Create your local Spark Session

        sparkSession = SparkSession
        .appName ("")
        .master ("")

4. Import the library

        import org.finra.catalog._
        import scala.collection.immutable.Map

5. Test the library for TXT format—see the following example for dataCatalog instance, saveDataFrames, loadDataFrames and getDataFrames feature set:

DataCatalog Instance

  • Using CredStash
    new DataCatalog(spark, host, credName, AGS, SDLC, credComponent)
    Input Parameters-
    spark : SparkSession - Spark session defined by user
    host : String - host
    credName : String - credential name (e.g. username for herd)
    credAGS : String - AGS for credential lookup
    credSDLC : String - SDLC for credential lookup
    credComponent : String - Component for credential lookup
  • Using Individual Credentials
    new DataCatalog(sparkSession, host, USERNAME, PASSWORD)
    Input Parameters-
    spark : SparkSession - spark session defined by user
    host : String - host
    username : String - herd username
    password : String - herd password


Save, Load and Get DataFrames for TXT Format


GetDataFrame is different from loadDataFrame because getDataFrame allows you to get data for a range of partition values along with the user-specified data version and format version.


6. Test the library for PARQUET format. See example below for saveDataFrames, loadDataFrames and getDataFrames feature set.

In Parquet, you can also save and load complex datatypes like Map, Array, Struct. Hence data catalog is helpful in dealing with nested and complex data sets too.

Save, Load and Get DataFrames for PARQUET Format with complex dataType


7. Test the library for ORC format. See example below for saveDataFrames, loadDataFrames and getDataFrames feature set.

Save, Load and Get DataFrames for ORC Format with complex datatype


Complex datatype is supported by PARQUET and ORC format only.

8. Explore the following examples of all other feature sets:

     dmWipeNamespace(nameSpace: String)
     val dataCatalog = new DataCatalog(spark, host, credName, AGS, SDLC, credComponent)

     getDataAvailability(namespace: String,
     objectName: String,
     usage: String,
     fileFormat: String,
     schemaVersion: Integer = null): DataFrame

Input Parameters DataType Default Value Required Description
namespace String   Y The namespace for the business object data.
objectName String   Y The name of the business object definition.
usage String PRC   The business object format usage.
fileFormat String PARQUET   The business object format file type.
schemaVersion Integer latest schema version registered in herd   The schema version for the business object data.

     val dataCatalog = new DataCatalog(spark, host, credName, AGS, SDLC, credComponent)
     val df = dataCatalog.getDataAvailability("testNamespace", "testObject", "PRC", "TXT")

     getDataAvailabilityRange(namespace: String,
     objectName: String,
     usage: String,
     fileFormat: String,
     partitionKey: String,
     firstPartValue: String,
     lastPartValue: String,
     schemaVersion: Integer = null): DataFrame

Input Parameters DataType Default Value Required Description
namespace String   Y The namespace for the business object data.
objectName String   Y The name of the business object definition.
usage String PRC   The business object format usage.
fileFormat String PARQUET   The business object format file type.
firstPartValue String   Y First partition value of business object data for getting data availability.
lastPartValue String   Y Last Partition value of business object data for getting data availability.
schemaVersion Integer latest schema version registered in herd   The schema version for the business object data.

     val dataCatalog = new DataCatalog(spark, host, credName, AGS, SDLC, credComponent)
     val df = dataCatalog.getDataAvailabilityRange("testNamespace", "testObject", "PRC", "TXT", "TRADE_DT", "2019-01-01", "2020-01-01")

     getPartitions(namespace: String,
     objectName: String,
     usage: String,
     fileFormat: String,
     schemaVersion: Integer = null): StructType

Input Parameters DataType Default Value Required Description
usage String PRC   The business object format usage.
objectName String   Y The name of the business object definition.
namespace String   Y The namespace for the business object data.
fileFormat String PARQUET   The business object format file type.
schemaVersion Integer latest schema version registered in herd   The schema version for the business object data.

     val dataCatalog = new DataCatalog(spark, host, credName, AGS, SDLC, credComponent)
     val df = dataCatalog.getPartitions("testNamespace", "testObject", "PRC", "TXT")

     getSchema(namespace: String,
     objectName: String,
     usage: String,
     fileFormat: String,
     schemaVersion: Integer = null): StructType

Input Parameters DataType Default Value Required Description
usage String PRC   The business object format usage.
schemaVersion Integer latest schema version registered in herd   The schema version for the business object data.
objectName String   Y The name of the business object definition.
namespace String   Y The namespace for the business object data.
fileFormat String PARQUET   The business object format file type.

     val dataCatalog = new DataCatalog(spark, host, credName, AGS, SDLC, credComponent)
     val schema = dataCatalog.getSchema("testNamespace", "testObject", "PRC", "TXT")


Using DataCatalog API in conjunction with herd to store and retrieve data in Spark DataFrames is beneficial to the user because it provides ease of access to huge datasets in big data format. DataCatalog API improves the readability of the data as it allows schema, null values, escape characters and delimiters to be specified by the user while saving the data; it also allows complex datatype support, which can make things easier for more complex data sets.

For additional information on DataCatalog API, visit FINRA’s GitHub page.