Carrie DiValerio
Senior Vice President, Enterprise & Financial Solutions

As Senior Vice President, Enterprise & Financial Solutions, Carrie DiValerio is responsible for leading FINRA’s Enterprise Strategy function. In this role, she oversees the development of enterprise and department strategy through implementation of the objectives and key results framework and management of FINRA’s human capital and initiative resources.
Since joining FINRA in 1998, Ms. DiValerio has been a contributor and leader in developing the Financial Planning and Analysis team within Finance. This team is responsible for the annual planning and quarterly forecast process, and for financial reporting internally and up to the FINRA Board of Governors and the Board’s Finance Committee; the team also supports the financial aspects of initiatives across the organization. Ms. DiValerio has supported numerous large initiatives over the years; more recently, she has been a key leader with the Advanced Analytics Transformation, Registration Systems Transformation, Digital Experience Transformation, and FINRA CAT Plan Processor programs.
Previously, Ms. DiValerio oversaw the organization’s Revenue Management; Payroll; Finance and Administration Strategy and Technology; and Meetings, Conferences and Corporate Travel Services units.
Ms. DiValerio began her career as a corporate auditor with Ernst & Young, LLP and was a Certified Public Accountant. Ms. DiValerio holds a B.A. (magna cum laude, Accounting and Computer Information Systems) from James Madison University.