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FINRA Securities Helpline for Seniors

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A toll-free number that senior investors can call to get assistance from FINRA or raise concerns about issues with brokerage accounts and investments.

Call 844-57-HELPS (844-574-3577)
Monday – Friday
9 a.m. – 5 p.m. Eastern Time

Are you a senior investor with questions about your brokerage account statement or an investment in a brokerage account?  Are you concerned that your account may have been mishandled by a broker? To help you with these and other investment-related questions, FINRA provides the Securities Helpline for Seniors®.

Why Should You Call?Who Should Call?What Can You Expect?
  • To better understand how to review your investment portfolio or account statements;
  • To raise concerns about the handling of a brokerage account; and
  • To get information about investor tools and resources from FINRA, including BrokerCheck.®
  • Seniors who have questions or concerns about their investment accounts.
  • During business hours, a FINRA staff member will answer your call and address your questions.
  • If your concerns are not resolved during that call, he or she will call you back or refer you to another regulator or agency for help.

What is the Senior Helpline?


More Investor Resources

FINRA BrokerCheck Hotline

For assistance with checking the background of a broker or brokerage firm, or an investment adviser or investment representative, call the FINRA BrokerCheck Hotline at (800) 289-9999. You may also use the online version of FINRA BrokerCheck.

FINRA Call Center

Main FINRA Phone Number: (301) 590-6500

FINRA Investor Publications

FINRA produces a number of publications—including newsletters, brochures, manuals and pamphlets—targeted to members, investors and the general public. Download PDFs or order printed copies of our materials today.

Other Investor Contacts