Membership Application
This section is designed to guide you through the process of preparing and submitting Form NMA. Once you have prepared and submitted the required Forms U4 and BR, you may begin to prepare Form NMA and its attachments for submission. Information is provided here on how to prepare, the types of documents you'll need to gather, how to access the Form NMA, components and features of the Form, process dependencies and how to avoid some frequent pitfalls.
General Overview of the New Member Application Process
Start Applicant prepares and submits original, notarized Form BD & Web CRD Entitlement Forms. | ![]() | Orientation Applicant accesses and reviews Applicant Interface to understand NMA Process. | ![]() | Registration Requirements Applicant prepares and submits Forms U4 and BR. | ![]() | Membership Application Applicant prepares and submits Form NMA and any additional information required. | ![]() | Requests & Interview Staff makes and the Applicant responds to requests for additional information, as needed. Staff schedules and conducts an interview with the Applicant. interview. | ![]() | Decision Staff issues decision on Application and Membership Agreement as appropriate. |
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Before starting to prepare Form NMA, you should do the following:
If your business model is unusual or does not appear to fit within any of the activities identified, consider contacting the Membership Application Program ("MAP") Group by calling 212-858-4000 and selecting option 5.
Be sure to allow sufficient time for preparation before commencing electronic Form NMA. This will allow you to complete the electronic Form NMA efficiently, with fewer interruptions to locate and include the required information and supporting documents.
To access Form NMA, select the Form NMA link under the Forms section in the left navigational panel of this page. Select the Begin a New Form icon and begin completing the Form.
A few tips for using Form NMA:
Saving Drafts: The Form NMA may be saved in draft form and subsequently revised prior to submission.
Prompt Completion Encouraged: Applicants are strongly encouraged to complete the Form NMA as promptly as possible and not save the draft Form NMA for indefinite periods. This is because, in the event of a version or other change to the Form NMA, it may become necessary to start completion of a new Form NMA.
Form NMA is a standardized form organized to capture information and documentation based on the first twelve standards of NASD Rule 1014. The Form is designed to leverage, where possible, certain information provided by the Applicant to FINRA through means other than the Form itself, in particular, information submitted via the Central Registration Depository (CRD®). In instances where information from other sources are leveraged, if any such information presented to the Applicant in the Form is inaccurate, an Applicant must update the source system before ultimately submitting or amending the Form NMA. (Typically it takes one business day after updating the source system for the Form NMA to reflect such changes.)
A brief overview of the Standards that make up the framework of the Form, including questions and documentation that FINRA is likely to consider when evaluating NMA's is provided below.
Standard 1: (Overview of the Applicant): This standard seeks certain applicant overview information such as details of the proposed business activities, supervisors for the business lines, types of customers, formation information, identification of persons associated with the Applicant.
Standard 2: (Licenses and Registrations): This standard consists of information requests regarding the Applicant's licenses and registrations overall and for the business activities to be conducted (e.g., required licenses and registrations, new or continuing registration or examination waivers, two-principal requirement waiver (if applicable), other SRO registrations and/or withdrawals, registered officers, directors, or control persons).
Standard 3: (Compliance with Securities Laws, Just and Equitable Principals of Trade): This standard consists of requests for information (e.g., disciplinary history) and documentation (e.g., state or federal orders or decrees, statements of claims, settlement agreements) that is necessary for the applicant to demonstrate compliance with the requirements of this standard.
Standard 4: (Contractual and Business Relationships): This standard includes information requests regarding an applicant's contractual and business relationships (e.g., description of contractual arrangements, expense sharing agreements, financing arrangements, fidelity bond, support and services agreements, auditor information).
Standard 5: (Facilities): This standard consists of information requests regarding an applicant's facilities (e.g., description of the facilities or locations to be utilized to conduct business, departmental information barriers, space sharing arrangements, lease and/or sub-lease agreements).
Standard 6: (Communications and Operational Systems): This standard includes information requests regarding an applicant's communications and operational systems (e.g., supervision arrangements at multiple locations, business continuity plan documents, order management/trading systems, use of internet and social media sites)
Standard 7: (Maintaining Adequate Net Capital) This standard requests information regarding the applicant's net capital requirement, the nature and source of capital, and future funding sources.
Standard 8: (Financial Controls) This standard requests information regarding an Applicant's financial controls and the proposed Financial and Operations Principal (FINOP) of the Applicant, including but not limited to the FINOP's experience, outside business or dual employment activities, if any.
Standard 9: (Written Procedures) This standard requires information to support an assessment of the Applicant's compliance, supervisory, operational, and internal control practices and standards to ensure that they are consistent with practices and standards regularly employed in the investment banking or securities business, taking into account the nature and scope of Applicant's proposed business. The Applicant must provide a description of the Applicant's supervisory system and a copy of its written supervisory procedures.
Standard 10: (Supervisory Structure) This standard requires information pertaining to the Applicant's supervisory system, including but not limited to the experience of supervisory personnel and the proposed Chief Compliance Officer of the Applicant.
Standard 11: (Books and Records) This standard seeks information regarding the Applicant's recordkeeping system and a staff that is sufficient in qualifications and number to prepare and preserve required records.
Standard 12: (Continuing Education) This standard requests information regarding an Applicant's Continuing Education program, which must include a Needs Analysis and Training Plan that takes into account, among other things, the Applicant's proposed business lines and product offerings.
The more complete and accurate the application and its attachments, the better situated both FINRA and the Applicant will be to complete the application review process. The table below lists some common pitfalls and mistakes and how to avoid them.
Common Pitfalls and Mistakes | Mitigating Solutions |
Incomplete Description of Business Activities: Applications that do not identify all activities proposed by the Applicant, describe the means to conduct the activities, or activities identified in Form NMA are inconsistent with Form BD. | Prior to preparing Form NMA, ensure that Form BD accurately reflects the Applicant's proposed business. When completing Form NMA, provide detailed information that describes the scope and mechanisms the Applicant will utilize to conduct business. |
Inadequate WSPs: Written Supervisory Procedures do not adequately cover the proposed business activities. Processing is often delayed while the Applicant makes revisions to the WSPs. | In constructing WSPs, consider all of the activities covered by the WSP and be sure they cover each of these four areas: (1) Who is responsible for supervising the activity? (2) What supervisors are required to do to carry out their responsibilities? (3) At what frequency are those steps required? (4) How will the review be evidenced? |
Inadequate Proof of Funding: Failure to clearly identify and provide supporting documents for the origins of funding to be infused into the Applicant causes delays in the process. | Ensure that all sources of funding are clearly and accurately identified. Ensure that all supporting documentation corresponds to the sources of funding in terms of origin, dates, accounts and amount of funding provided. |
Absence of Required Registrations: The review process tends to be delayed if personnel do not have the required registrations. | All personnel requiring one or more licensing examinations in order to register with the Applicant in their proposed capacity must register to take the required exams promptly. It is recommended that these exams be successfully completed not later than 90 days after the application is initially filed. |