
The FINRA Membership Interview is an important mechanism through which the FINRA staff informs itself and the Applicant concerning the review of the application and is mandatory for all new member applicants. This section is designed to help you understand what the Interview is all about and to provide useful information to assist you in preparing for the Interview.


General Overview of the New Member Application Process       


Applicant prepares and submits original, notarized Form BD & Web CRD Entitlement Forms.
Applicant accesses and reviews Applicant Interface to understand NMA Process.
Registration Requirements
Applicant prepares and submits Forms U4 and BR.
Membership Application
Applicant prepares and submits Form NMA and any additional information required.
Staff schedules and conducts interview.
Staff issues decision on Application and Membership Agreement as appropriate.

This section provides information on the following topics. You may click on any link to skip directly to that topic.


Purpose of the Membership Interview

The Membership Interview provides important opportunities to both the FINRA staff and the Applicant, including:


Scheduling the Membership Interview

FINRA staff will contact the Applicant's representative to determine a mutually agreeable time to hold the Interview and to identify required attendees and documentation. Once the date is agreed upon, FINRA staff will send the Applicant a written notice of the Interview, which will provide important information, including the items listed below.


How to Prepare for the Interview


Attending the Interview

The Membership Interview is attended by the key officers and principals of the applicant and other persons identified by the FINRA staff in the notice of the Interview. Attendees representing FINRA include the analyst to whom the review of the application has been assigned, FINRA managers, and staff to which the Applicant will be assigned if the application is approved.

During the Interview, you may expect the following to occur:

Note that the associated persons identified in the notice of the Membership Interview are all required to attend the Interview. Failure to attend the Interview may provide grounds for the lapse of the application pursuant to Rule 1012.




Common Pitfalls/Mistakes

To assist your preparation for the Membership Interview, the table below lists some common pitfalls and mistakes and how to avoid them.

Common Pitfalls and Mistakes Mitigating Solutions
Who Does the Talking: During the Membership Interview, the Applicant exhibits a preference to have its hired consultants and/or law firm speak on its behalf. The Applicant's associated persons are the ones who should, as a general matter, respond to the questions presented by the FINRA staff. Consultants and law firms representing the Applicant should not reply on its behalf. The Associated persons' responses are vital to FINRA staff's ability to evaluate the application.
Failure to Bring Requested Information: Applicant fails to bring requested information to the Membership Interview. Note that requests for information requiring the Applicant to bring certain specified information and documentation to the Interview are to be treated in the same manner as all other FINRA staff requests for information. Bear in mind that failure to respond fully by the due date indicated may result in lapse of the application unless the FINRA staff and Applicant agree to another date.
Misunderstanding the Purpose of the Interview: Applicant does not understand the rationale behind the Membership Interview and is unprepared for FINRA staff's questions. The Membership Interview is an important aspect of the new membership application review process. The Applicant and its associated persons should be prepared to discuss the proposed business activities and respond to FINRA staff's queries. If the Applicant is utilizing the services of a consultant and/or law firm to assist it with the application process, the Applicant and its associated persons need to ensure that they are in sufficiently regular communication with these hired representatives to understand the issues that may present themselves during the Membership Interview. See How to Prepare for the Interview above, for additional guidance on preparing for the interview.