Membership Decision

This section provides information concerning the types of decisions FINRA staff make once an application is complete and submitted, the timing of decisions, and related considerations.


General Overview of the New Member Application Process       


Applicant prepares and submits original, notarized Form BD & Web CRD Entitlement Forms.
Applicant accesses and reviews Applicant Interface to understand NMA Process.
Registration Requirements
Applicant prepares and submits Forms U4 and BR.
Membership Application
Applicant prepares and submits Form NMA and any additional information required.
Staff schedules and conducts interview.
Staff issues decision on Application and Membership Agreement as appropriate.

This section provides information on the following topics. You may click on any link to skip directly to that topic.


Decision Issuance

After considering the application, the membership interview, other information and documents provided by the Applicant, the public interest and the protection of investors, FINRA Staff will issue a written decision on the application. This decision will state whether the application is approved, approved with restrictions or denied. This decision will be based on whether the Applicant meets the standards for admission to membership contained in NASD Rule 1014. Decisions to approve the application subject to restrictions or to deny the application will include the rationale for the restriction(s) or denial based on the standards for admission in Rule



The Membership Agreement

Membership approvals or approvals with restrictions are accompanied by a Membership Agreement; application denials do not include Membership Agreements. The Membership Agreement is normally executed at the conclusion of the application process, so that there is a clear understanding of the full scope of the Applicant's proposed business. Membership approval is contingent upon the Applicant's returning an executed Membership Agreement to FINRA.


Appealing the Decision

Pursuant to NASD Rule 1015, within 25 days after service of the membership decision, the Applicant may file a written request for review of the decision with FINRA's National Adjudicatory Council (NAC).

Here are a few key pointers regarding an appeal:



Pursuant to Rule 1014, a decision on a membership application must be issued within 30 days after the conclusion of the membership Interview or after the filing of additional information or documents, whichever is later. Overall, FINRA is required to issue a written decision on the application within 180 days of the application filing date, or such other date to which FINRA and the Applicant have agreed.